Dan Hurt Talks About Getting Started With The Cloud

Dan Hurt

January 28, 2021

Daniel Michael Hurt

Dan Hurt Ft. Lauderdale, FL – Ninety percent of companies use some type of cloud computing service, states Dan Hurt. This article will help the other ten percent get started and educate each individual on getting invested themselves.


You don’t need to start by moving your entire organization onto the cloud. Start by choosing a single program that lets you get started in a piecemeal fashion, suggests Dan Hurt. The cloud merely refers to saving documents online. You can use programs in the cloud as well as keeping records.


Less tech-savvy individuals and companies may find it more comfortable, to begin with, a small change like using online storage. Dropbox, Amazon Drive, Google Drive, and OneDrive all provide solutions most people find easy to learn and use. You can arrange each to automatically sync with your hard drive to back up your computer frequently, explains Dan Hurt.


You then can move on to using the software in small ways, too, says Dan Hurt. Start with a program familiar to everyone in your company, such as Microsoft Word. Set it up to sync with the cloud storage. Transition the computers at your company by adding the clients for Word to local systems.


Show your personnel how to use the same program online. If your firm uses mobile phones or tablets, also update them with the client software. This will allow employees to use the mobile phone software assigned to them, explains Dan Hurt.


This subtle change to new software works just as effectively as the original, allowing them to store files online. This process lets your company move to the cloud a little at a time without overwhelming the employees or disrupting the workload, says Dan Hurt.


Once your employees feel comfortable using the one program in the cloud, you can add other programs, says Dan Hurt. Add the entire Microsoft or Google office suite or transition your work email system to webmail. Eventually, your entire organization’s workload gets moved to the cloud.


Using a piecemeal transition lets individuals become accustomed to the new software and see that it performs exactly as the original desktop version, says Dan Hurt. It merely provides added convenience since the employees do not need to visit the office to access the work they performed there. They can open the document while on a business trip or at a conference.


You can start your transition today by working with your IT department or a computer consultant. In this consultation, explains Dan Hurt, you will choose the program to begin your transition to the cloud.